Number of Volumes 2
Number of Issues 4
Number of Articles 48
Number of Contributors 104
Article View 22,783
PDF Download 48,361
View Per Article 474.65
PDF Download Per Article 1007.52
Accepted Submissions 48
Acceptance Rate 47
Time to Accept (Days) 92
Number of Indexing Databases 14
Number of Reviewers 107

Urban Strategic Thought Journal

Utilization of environmental sciences and interaction between researchers and scientists on specific fields, are effective ways to develop science and technical knowledge. In this regard, scientific and research publications aim to spread out advanced sciences and connect environmental sciences with each other.

Urban Strategic Thoughts Journal is also trying to take a small but effective step in the field of urban planning and its sub-branches by transferring all the discoveries found from research, specialized and scientific-research reports.

Due to its particular and influential position among the scientific and specialized communities, this journal tries to convey the importance of the field of urban planning and its orientations such as urban planning and urban design especially in today's civil societies through transmitting the findings.

Unfortunately, despite its wide and influential dimensions in everyday life, urban planning has always been influenced and interfered with ideas that ultimately did not bring a suitable output and has always been criticized by the majority of people. Among them, we can mention the new cities, which seem to have many problems.

Our focus on this journal is to deal with theoretical foundations and the origins of the city, urbanization and urban development using new experiences and ideas around the world. We hope that by publishing valuable researcher’s articles in urban planning field, we can compensate for this lack of knowledge and expertise and be a guide for future generations.



Managing Editor of Urban Strategic Thought (UST)


According to Imam Khomeini International University Research Council’s meeting record, UST Journal has started its activity known as N⁰ 209323/1/D on 19/10/2021.

Use of volume and issue numbering: semi-annual

Type of articles: Research/Original/Regular Article, Case-study and Applied Article

Type of refereeing: anonymous two-sided (nomination of three referees and approval of two referees is required for article acceptance)

Publication type: online

Acceptance rate of articles: 31%

Similarity finder software: Irandoc (maximum similarity 20 percent)


Urban Strategic Thought publication is a source of insights, articles and valuable information in the field of urbanism that follows the rules of open access; This means that the articles are available for reading, downloading or distribution without any legal, financial or technical obstacles. Our goal of open access is to contribute to the global knowledge of urbanism, the academic community, and the public interest.

This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.

The journal is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license and makes its content freely accessible, which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properl.


Journal Address in Social Networks





Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2 - Serial Number 4, September 2024 

Articles extracted from Thesis

Assessment of Urban Laws in Iran with Urban Health Approach

Pages 219-236


Mahdie Khojastefar; Naser Barakpour

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