Investigating the Social Effects of Megamalls on the Surrounding Environment and Lifestyle of Citizens (Case study: Turk Mall and Uryad Mall of Urmia)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Architecture, Urban & Art, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

2 Master student in urban planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: In developing cities around the world where urbanization has occurred before urban planning, commercial and recreational centers are not evenly distributed across the city. Commercial centers are more concentrated around several urban cores, whereas inner urban neighborhoods, especially poorer areas, lack commercial centers. Residents must travel to areas with various commercial units, such as the main market in the city center, to utilize these spaces. This is unlike cities before the industrial revolution where each neighborhood offered various commercial services to its residents. Shopping malls form small communities themselves where people go not only to shop but also to spend their leisure time. Although shopping is considered a recreational activity, the gathering of individuals and social interactions there enhance the vibrancy of that small community. For a city or place to be lively and dynamic, what is needed is happiness and liveliness of its residents. This sense of cheerfulness can result from social interactions and behavior.
The Purpose of the Research: The Purpose of this research is to evaluate the social impacts and public satisfaction resulting from the construction of mega malls in the city of Urmia. This evaluation is conducted by identifying the influencing factors. These impacts are assessed based on the opinions of the city's residents
Methodology: This research is applied in nature, based on its primary objective, and utilizes quantitative data from questionnaires for analysis and conclusions. Initially, the research gathers information through library resources (books, journals, articles, existing documents, and other related scientific references) as well as field studies (observations and questionnaires). The data are analyzed using SPSS software, and based on the results obtained and expert opinions, suggestions and conclusions are provided. The questionnaire was designed utilizing the results of previous studies, and the questions were crafted based on the data from those studies. The statistical population in this research comprises the residents of District 5, with a population size of 57,340 according to the latest master plan data. The sample size was calculated to be 382 people using the Cochran formula, and the number of experts considered was 20.
Findings and Discussion:  Respondents visited Turk Mall more than two years ago and Uryad Mall less than a year ago. This is due to the older establishment and greater reputation of Turk Mall. Because of its closer proximity to the center and more diverse services, respondents tend to visit Turk Mall monthly and Uryad Mall every few months. The results also indicate that most respondents rated these malls similarly in terms of the experience of place. This average to poor rating is due to the similar appearance and services of these malls compared to others in different cities, which are older and offer broader services. According to the public, Turk Mall is seen as more innovative, economically beneficial, and offering more services. This mall has better contributed to promoting the city's identity. Overall, citizen satisfaction with the Turk Mall project is higher, and it has had fewer social negative impacts. From a ranking perspective, all individuals recognize these two malls as landmarks, which is the most notable characteristic of these examples. However, in terms of identity and innovativeness, both malls rank poorly in these aspects compared to other indexes, and people generally consider other malls superior to these two.
Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that citizen satisfaction with these mega projects has been below average. These mega malls have had various positive and negative impacts over the years since their establishment, with negative impacts having a more significant effect on people's lifestyles. They have not been as effective as expected in meeting the public needs of citizens. The suggestions for improving the Turk Mall complex are as follows: 1. Establishing facilities likes, cinemas and libraries within the complex. 2. Improving amenities in public spaces to enhance social interactions. 3.Offer a variety of affordable and luxury consumer goods. 4.Creating spaces compatible with the city's and citizens' identity. Suggestions for improving the Uryad complex are as follows: 1. Establishing land uses that meet public needs. 2. Creating social interaction spaces such as parks and amusement parks. 3. Establishing cultural spaces like libraries and cinemas. 4.Providing appropriate centers for the disabled and children. 5. Utilizing identity-enhancing symbols within the complex.


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