Document Type : Research Paper
Master of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Master of Urban Planning, Faculty of Urban Planning, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
Introduction: In recent years and as a progressive approach, "Internal Development" is known as an efficient approach in urban development, as has been used in many studies; This approach has been introduced as a smart growth tool, an efficient policy in achieving sustainable development and an empowerment strategy in informal development. Therefore, using more and more of the potentials hidden in this type of urban development model leads to improvement and ultimately the desire for its optimization. The scale of interventions in Internal Development Approach has linked it with the knowledge of urban design. "Urban View system" is considered as one of the constructive dimensions of environmental qualities in urban design, and on the other hand, due to the fact that the internal development occurs with accumulation and intervention in the inner-city barren lands, it can immediately and significantly change the visual organization or the urban landscape system, because any change inside the city is exposed to the public by more people and for a longer period of time. In other words, the urban view is a strategic opportunity hidden in the heart of internal development, which favorable encounter with it causes the development's desirability. But in the development process, under the title of land separation, this dimension has often been reduced to landscaping. While "sustainable urban landscape" approach, emphasize the capabilities of Strategic Views (Panorama Views, River Views, Linear Views, Townscape Views, Balcony Views) as well as the ecological environment; It raises concerns beyond 2D and a higher scale.
The Purpose of the Research: In order to formulate the basics of the implementation of urban view system in internal developments, this research aims to explain the principles of the placement of public space and landmarks based on the perspective of sustainable urban view, and for this purpose, the area of the army barracks of Bojnord city according to the capabilities of the base natural, as well as the potential possibility of internal development in it has been examined and discussed.
Methodology: This research as a descriptive-analytical in terms of its practical-developmental goal and its research method, first recognizes the basics of the sustainable urban landscape approach by using the method of library information collection, then based on the discovery of the hidden structure of the mature documents of sustainable urban view management (first hermeneutic method and then reverse engineering method); it compiles the principles by which "the placement of landmarks and the public space" in internal developments will occur with the greatest potential in receiving and presenting views. Finally, using the geographic data collection method, the principles obtained in the scope of the researched Bojnord army barracks and the optimal location were determined.
Findings and Discussion: This research determines 5 strategic principles for the criteria of action in the process of designing and planning the Urban View discipline and the discipline of Public Space. Based on them, it is possible to determine the optimal positions of the landmark and the public space of the neighborhood through a mechanism. These 5 strategic principles are: "Placement of landmarks in height dominances", "Placement of landmarks at the intersection of the most viewing corridors from connected passages", "Placement of landmarks in natural or artificial openings and cracks", "Placement of the public space in the highest height dominance" and "Placement the public space in the vicinity of existing green and ecological zones".
Conclusion: The results of this research show that the placement of the landmarks and the public space require attention beyond what is usually considered for them in the land separation system. Also, these principles clarify the importance of paying more attention to the ecological environment, including land form, vegetation and water in the process of urban planning and land separation. Finally, it should be mentioned that this research was conducted in a military area. Therefore, it was not possible to enter and collect the historical-social information of the area. On the other hand, in recent years, attention has been paid to the historical and social dimensions of the view. It is nice to be able to choose research cases in future research that are appropriate for internal development, and on the other hand, there is the possibility of presence and collection of historical-social information.
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