A review of the transition from the positivist resilience paradigm to the integrated discourse of resilience in the field of contemporary urban planning

Document Type : Article extracted From PhD dissertation


1 PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


Introduction: Resilience thinking, a slippery concept, encompasses different principles and components across various intellectual systems. Integrating these theoretical approaches often leads to ambiguity in understanding, interpretation, and application. This ambiguity arises from the diverse contexts of resilience, from ecological to socio-economic systems. The interdisciplinary nature of resilience thinking requires synthesizing knowledge, which can obscure clear guidelines. Ongoing research and dialogue are essential to refine its framework and enhance its utility across different domains.
The Purpose of the Research: The main purpose of this research is to investigate the evolution of the theoretical frameworks of resilience from the past to the present in different intellectual systems, in order to gain a precise understanding of the discourse of resilience in the field of contemporary urban planning.
Methodology: In this regard, based on the paradigm of interpretivism and by adopting the inductive strategy and by reviewing library documents and analyzing theoretical opinions and using the method of situational analysis, a systematic review of the selected studies with the aim of clarifying the situational elements as the units of analysis were conducted. The studies selected at this stage are based on a systematic review in the WoS and Scopus citation database between 1972 and 2023, as well as Persian sources, with the entry criteria of English, open access, high referencing, and the exit criterion of lack of originality and innovation in the presented definition of resilience, conference articles and book chapters (28 final sources), actively and in successive stages with the aim of clarifying situational elements as units of analysis were studied. Based on this, in this paper, to explain the conceptual model using the situational analysis method, three categories of maps have been introduced and drawn: a) Situational map (both unstructured and regular versions are used for data): To show the breadth and scope of the issues involved in the situation under investigation, specifying all actors, including individual or group actors, including non-human information-cognitive elements, spatial elements and components, historical, narrative and administrative discourses and the articulation of the relationships between them, b) the map of the arena or social worlds: the size, location and intersections of the social worlds are shown with the aim of stabilizing various discourse worlds in one arena, and c) the positional map: reflecting the elements and collections in a situation and different perspectives, with the aim of simplifying and understanding more clearly the expressed and unexpressed situations in the fields or discourses.
Findings and Discussion: The findings show that four epistemological perspectives or four generations of the concept of resilience can be explained. The first generation, under the umbrella of the positivist paradigm, goes back to the early days of the concept of resilience in ecology, which is known as feedback to restore and maintain the resilience of systems. The second generation, which crystallizes in the post-positivism paradigm, emphasizes the principle of adaptability. The third generation stands out in the paradigm of pragmatism by insisting on what is used in practice, and the fourth generation produces and reproduces its own understanding of resilience with a constructive-interpretive view.
Conclusion: Although in the process of this formulation, the capacities and potentials of each of these four generations were compared with each other from the point of view of direction, fundamental components, focus points and the course of outstanding changes., however, it seems that in the current situation of societies, the use of the fourth generation approach is more responsive to the expectations of the present and future. The evolution of the concept of resilience, highlighted above through the lens of different generations, has identified a number of emerging lessons for policy makers that are now being applied in policy areas at different spatial scales. Although the initial ideas of urban resilience were generally resource driven by the (perceived) need to return to an earlier state, environmental and economic changes now create varying degrees of risk and desirability for urban policymakers. This has led to a new body of work in the urban planning literature focused on applying resilience principles to policy and practice. In addition to the efforts made, we can take a detailed look at the consideration of the fourth generation approach according to the requirements of civil societies and citizens.


Main Subjects

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